I have a simple looking problem but I don't know how to handle.
I have tow columns which are filled by value or null
I have to make an average of these like this:
Is it possible to write it in different way then:
case when a is not null and b is not null then....
If I use a simple (a+b)/2
I get null
in cases where one of values is null
Probably the simplest way is to use outer apply
with avg()
because avg()
ignores NULL
select v.avg_ab
from t outer apply
(select avg(x) as avg_ab
from (values (t.A), (t.B)
) v
) v;
You can also do this with a complicated case
select (case when A is not NULL and B is not NULL then (A + B) / 2
when A is not NULL then A
when B is not NULL then B
end) as avg_ab
. . .
This works well enough for 2 values; it is feasible for 3. It doesn't generalize well beyond that. Another way to use case
is a bit more generalizable:
select ( (coalesce(A, 0) + coalesce(B, 0)) /
((case when A is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when B is not null then 1 else 0 end)
But the apply
method is still simpler.