My code destroys some widgets then builds new widgets then in the end of the application a button asks if I want to get to the beginning. This button will call class constructor which re-initialize every variable and start re-drawing the same old widgets. The problem is that the widgets even if they are new keep their latest values before destruction.
def mapping(self):
sort_frame = Frame(self.top_frame)
sort = False
Checkbutton(sort_frame, text="Sort: ", variable=sort, onvalue=True, offvalue=False,command=lambda fr=sort_option_frame, nx = next_button : self.enable_sort(fr,nx)).pack(side=TOP)
next_button = Button(self.bottom_frame, text='Next',borderwidth=1, command=self.output_select)
next_button.pack( side = RIGHT)
def output_select(self):
for widget in self.top_frame.winfo_children():
for widget in self.bottom_frame.winfo_children():
#new widgets drawing
Button(self.bottom_frame, text='New file',borderwidth=1, command=self.restart).pack( side = TOP)
#This UI resets the application for a new cycle
def restart(self):
for widget in self.top_frame.winfo_children():
for widget in self.bottom_frame.winfo_children():
In this code for example, the Checkbutton on mapping will keep its latest values when mapping is called back in the new cycle.
I want the checkbutton to be new as if it's the first time it was created.
Thanks for your help
You can't use normal variables for the variable
attribute. They need to be an instance of StringVar
, IntVar
, DoubleVar
, or BooleanVar