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How to hide an item from Recycler View on a particular condition?

I am using Firebase Recycler Adapter (Firebase UI Library) to populate Recycler View. I want to hide an item(row) on a condition. I have a LinearLayout containing a recycler view.

I set linear layout visibility to Gone in populateViewHolder() method of recycler view adapter.

protected void populateViewHolder(UsersViewHolder viewHolder, User user, int position) {

    if (user.getUserEmail().equals(Utils.decodeEmail(userEmail))) {


It hides the LinearLayout but the row remains there with empty space.

Is there any method I should override to overcome this or is there any way to achieve the result?


  • You should hide all views or parent from UsersViewholder layout xml. You should hide entire viewholder or each view

    Entire viewholder:


    or each element:


    But don't forget to set them VISIBLE otherwise, you will end up with some strange things from recycling