I am using Firebase Recycler Adapter (Firebase UI Library) to populate Recycler View. I want to hide an item(row) on a condition. I have a LinearLayout containing a recycler view.
I set linear layout visibility to Gone in populateViewHolder()
method of recycler view adapter.
protected void populateViewHolder(UsersViewHolder viewHolder, User user, int position) {
if (user.getUserEmail().equals(Utils.decodeEmail(userEmail))) {
It hides the LinearLayout but the row remains there with empty space.
Is there any method I should override to overcome this or is there any way to achieve the result?
You should hide all views or parent from UsersViewholder layout xml. You should hide entire viewholder or each view
Entire viewholder:
or each element:
But don't forget to set them VISIBLE
otherwise, you will end up with some strange things from recycling