turns input such as
See [that site](
See that site
which means the link information will get lost in printing. I would like to get some printer-friendly version, i.e. the links numbered
See [1]
(code See [[1]]( "that site"
and at the end (or optionally as a footnote when using xelatex to get a pdf) a summary of all links, i.e.
[1] that site:
(whether the original link title shall be in this list or not is optional).
How can this be achieved? Via a filter or is there already some switch for that?
You can use footnotes:
Here is a footnote reference[^1]
[^1]: Here is the [footnote](
which will also result in footnotes in HTML output. For more flexibility, see this answer, e.g. this will only work for LaTeX/PDF output:
pandoc -o myfile.pdf -V links-as-notes=true
Edit: this works only if you have the following in your template (from the default-template):
% Make links footnotes instead of hotlinks: