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simplexml_load_string return empty result

It may be simple, but I am kind of stuck. I want to convert an XML string into PHP object. My XML string is:

$a = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
                <VerifyTxnResponse xmlns="">
                    <VerifyTxnResult>BID &lt;11467&gt;</VerifyTxnResult>

I have tried var_dump(simplexml_load_string($a));, but it returns empty SimpleXMLElement object. I want to get VerifyTxnResult node. I think, &lt;11467&gt; is causing the problem. What may be the possible solution?



  • I want to get VerifyTxnResult node

    The simplexml_load_string function returns an instance of SimpleXMLElement which is actually not empty for the XML you posted.

    Register the namespace and fetch the node with xpath method:

    $se = simplexml_load_string($a);
    $se->registerXPathNamespace('r', '');
    foreach ($se->xpath('//r:VerifyTxnResult') as $result) {

    Sample Output

    string(11) "BID <11467>"