I want to calculate and visualize a heat propagation in a 24 x 24 matrix. There are two hot-spots in the matrix whose temperature stays constant over the time. The outer edges of the matrix also stay constant over the time. I am new to MATLAB and until now I have written following script:
%declaration and initialization of matrix with
%24 x 24 cells, start temp. = 20°C
PlateOrg (1:24, 1:24) = 20;
% size of matrix
[height, width] = size(PlateOrg);
cells = height * width;
% percent that is given from one cell to its neighbouring cells
prop = 0.2;
%These are the hot-spots, they heat up the neighbouring cells
%but do not heat up themselves any higher -> their
%temperature is constant over the simulation
PlateOrg(4,4:20) = 100;
PlateOrg(5:9,20) = 80;
PlateOrg(11:19,4) = 50;
PlateOrg(20,4:20) = 60;
%First Contourf 2D-Diagram with start temperatures
PlateOld = [];
PlateOld = PlateOrg;
PlateNew = [];
% the amount of cycles
cycles = 50;
% Calculation of the heat propagation
for k = 1:cycles
%the outer edges stay constant at temp. = 20°C
%for the whole simulation
PlateNew(:,1) = 20;
PlateNew(1,:) = 20;
PlateNew(24,:) = 20;
PlateNew(:,24) = 20;
%every cell gets 20 percent heat of four neighbouring cells
for i=2:height-1
for j=2:width-1
title('Heat propagation in a plate');
PlateOld = PlateNew;
I figured out the calculation for the heat propagation in two dimensions but the simulation still would not work. Do you see any issues?
the part:
title('Heat propagation in a plate');
PlateOld = PlateNew;
has to be in the for k = 1:cycle
loop. The rest should be fine. But at the moment the hot spots are not staying constant. You have to do the same as for the edges.
Regards, Michael