I want to how to do following general step:
I am going to write a paper about this topic; any help is welcomed.
One place to start is, funnily enough, the Informix Performance Tuning Guide, one section of the Informix 11.70 Information Centre. In particular, it explains most of what you need to know about UPDATE STATISTICS, and also about automatic update statistics.
For question 3, at one level, there isn't much to it - you follow the syntax from the manuals and it works. I'm guessing though that you're more concerned with whether you should create an index on a table; this would in part follow on from questions 1 and 2.
There are a variety of ways to find slow SQL. If you have OAT (OpenAdmin Tool), then it has ways to report the slowest queries. Alternatively, you can look to SET EXPLAIN.
If you have Informix 11.70, then there is a built-in SPL (stored procedure language) debugging facility. For earlier versions, Server Studio and Sentinel has some support. You can also look at the built-in TRACE facility and the related SET DEBUG FILE statement, but they tend to be tricky to interpret, and don't really give you performance information (more a question of correct vs incorrect functioning).