I'm denormalizing a one-to-many into a List<int>
public string DbUsersMessaged { get; set; }
public List<int> UsersMessaged {
get {
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(DbUsersMessaged) ? new List<int>() : DbUsersMessaged.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();
set {
DbUsersMessaged = value != null ? String.Join(",", value) : null;
To read, I can query UsersMessaged.Contains(id)
To write, I'd like to simply do UsersMessaged.Add(id)
, but this doesn't work because set
isn't called.
For now, I'm doing this to trigger the set
UsersMessaged = UsersMessaged.AddReassign(user);
public static List<int> AddReassign(this List<int> list, int item)
var tempList = list;
if (list.Contains(item))
return list;
list = tempList;
return list;
But this is awful because next week I'll forget that I can't just do Add
and waste a bunch of time remembering this crap. What's a cleaner way to go about setting a denormalized List<T>
A cleaner way to do this is to implement your own List and override the Add method
public class DbList : List<int>
public override void Add(int value)
//perform your logic here.
And you can have your string value in the DbList instance.