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Passing Javascript variable to route in laravel 5.3

I'm having a Laravel blade form which includes a table wihch displays some data from the database. And when i click on a certain column i wrote a js function to catch that id of the certain selected item to a js variable "var selectedItem".

Now i wanna pass this js variable to the 'edit.item.blade' page and load the relevant record corresponding to this value.

My question is what is the best way to edit a selected item in laravel ? and is there anyway to pass this JS variable to a route at a button click event and load the 'edit.item.blade' using the relevant record to edit.


  • What you usually do in laravel is pass the id of the record you want to see in the url. Say you want to view the details of a report with the id of 1 you'd go to the url "/reports/1" which points to a show function in the reports controller.


    In your routes/web.php you'd add:


    What this is does is take anything typed after /reports/ and pass it to the show function. So if you'd go to /reports/1 the route would pass 1 to the show function


    In your controller you have to make a show function which accepts the variable passed by your route. You'd then take that variable to look up the corresponding record and pass it along to a view. Which would look like this

    public function show($id){
        $report = Report::find($id); // Find the corresponding report
        // Pass the report along to the view resources/views/reports/show.blade.php
        return view('',compact($report));

    Show view

    In your show view you can now use $report to get any information from the report like $report->name, depending on your database.


    Now in the index view, the view you were talking about I presume, you loop over all records from some table. Since you haven't included any code in your post I'm just going to assume you loop over your data using a foreach loop. Using that loop we can give each record a link depending on their id. Which would look a bit like this

        <td> Name </td>
        <td> Edit </td>
      @foreach($reports as $report)
          <td> $report->name </td>
          <td><a href="{{ url('reports/' . $report->id) }}">Edit</a></td>