I have very big dictionary that I want to insert into MySQL table. The dictionary keys are the column names in the table. I'm constructing my query like this as of now:
bigd = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':10}
cols = str(bigd.keys()).strip('[]')
vals = str(bigd.values()).strip('[]')
query = "INSERT INTO table ({}) values ({})".format(cols,vals)
print query
"INSERT INTO table ('k2', 'k1') values (10, 'v1')"
And this works in Python2.7
But in Python 3.6 if I use string literals like this:
query = f"INSERT INTO table ({cols}) values ({vals})"
It prints this:
"INSERT INTO table (dict_keys(['k1', 'k2'])) values (dict_values(['v1', 10]))"
Any tips?
For your curiosity, you should realize that you've cast these to str
, getting the representation of dict_keys/values
to be inserted into the f-string
You could just cast to tuples and then insert:
cols = tuple(bigd.keys())
vals = tuple(bigd.values())
q = f"INSERT INTO table {cols} values {vals}"
but, as the comment notes, this isn't a safe approach.