I have a 32 bit single channel EXR image that I want to crop using ImageMagick, the problem is after I crop it it got saved into 32 bit 3 channel image by ImageMagick.
Below are the attempts that I tried that didn't work
mogrify -crop 200x100+238+200 test.exr -colorspace Y
This returns error mogrify: unrecognized image colorspace `Y'.
mogrify -crop 200x100+238+200 test.exr -channel Y
This returns 32 bit 3 channel image.
mogrify -crop 200x100+238+200 test.exr -separate
This returns 8 bit 1 channel image.
I am on Ubuntu 16.04 and my version of ImageMagick is 6.9.6-4 Q32 x86_64.
How can I make ImageMagick to save my EXR file with the original single channel 32 bit format?
One expert from the ImageMagick forum actually posted an answer which works perfectly for me.
convert test.exr -crop 200x100+238+200 +repage -define exr:color-type=Y result.exr