Original question
Pathogen bundles not being loaded.
I'm running Kali Linux and I've set up my .vimrc in the recommended way
set nocompatible
execute pathogen#infect('~/.vim/bundle/{}')
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable
colorscheme solarized
but this gives me errors for any of the bundles I have installed (e.g. E492: Not an editor command: NERDTree
or E185: Cannot find colorscheme 'solarized'
Running the following commands once vim has launched, shows that the directory is correct.
echo pathogen#glob_directories("~/.vim/bundle/*")
---> all of my bundles are returned
Is there anything else I'm missing?
I have all of my dotfiles in a git repo. But when I run a git add
, only the directories of the bundles are added but none of the files themselves. How do I include pathogen bundles in my "dotfiles" repo?
This ended up being a git issue. Because I have my dotfiles in a git repo, when I installed the bundles I should have used:
git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree
git submodule add --depth=1 https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic.git ~/.vim/bundle/syntastic
As opposed to
git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree
After running a pull
on a different machine. I needed to install these submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
I had to tinker with the file ~/.gitmodules
to get my paths set to something that could be used under different usernames and systems