Before you dowonvote this, please have a look first. I know there numerous threads here with this errormessage, but I haven't found one with this particular problem. I've created a custom command class implementing the IDbCommand interface like this:
internal class Prozedur : IDbCommand
private static SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand() ;
private SqlConnection connection;
string commandtext;
CommandType commandType;
public Prozedur(string abfrage)
commandtext = abfrage;
commandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
connection = (SqlConnection)new Verbindung();
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandtext, connection);
public static explicit operator SqlCommand(Prozedur v)
return command;
I'am using the object like this:
internal class Tabelle : DataTable
DataTable tabelle = new DataTable();
internal Tabelle(string abfrage)
Prozedur p = new Prozedur(abfrage);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter((SqlCommand)p);
However, on the adapter.Fill(tabelle)
i get the Error “Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized.”. But if i look at the object p, the connection is there:
If i change the code like this
internal class Tabelle : DataTable
DataTable tabelle = new DataTable();
internal Tabelle(string abfrage)
Prozedur p = new Prozedur(abfrage);
SqlCommand c = (SqlCommand)p;
//added this line
c.Connection = p.Connection;
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter((SqlCommand)p);
I get a compiler error for p.Connection;
C# Cannot implicitly convert type to. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?).
The code for the connection is this:
public IDbConnection Connection
return connection;
connection = (SqlConnection)value;
The problem was in the convert method. When I change the code as below it works. Basically I had to make all variables static and return a new SqlCommand
Object in the convert method.
internal class Prozedur : IDbCommand
private static SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
private static SqlConnection connection;
static string commandtext;
CommandType commandType;
public Prozedur(string abfrage)
commandtext = abfrage;
commandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
connection = (SqlConnection)new Verbindung();
public static explicit operator SqlCommand(Prozedur v)
return new SqlCommand() { CommandText = commandtext, Connection = connection, CommandType = command.CommandType };
And it works like this without static variables:
internal class Prozedur : IDbCommand
private SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
private SqlConnection connection;
string commandtext;
CommandType commandType;
public Prozedur(string abfrage)
commandtext = abfrage;
commandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
connection = (SqlConnection)new Verbindung();
public static explicit operator SqlCommand(Prozedur v)
return new SqlCommand() { CommandText = v.CommandText, Connection = (SqlConnection)v.Connection, CommandType = v.CommandType };