Search code examples

How do you index a list in a txt file and call on the indexed values?

I am attempting to index my list, and then call on the last two values in each list separately.
For example

['Ashe', '1853282.679', '1673876.66', '1 ', '2 \n']
['Alleghany', '1963178.059', '1695301.229', '0 ', '1 \n']
['Surry', '2092564.258', '1666785.835', '5 ', '6 \n']`    

I want my code to return (1, 2) #from the first list (0, 1) #from the second list (5, 6) #from the third list

my code so far includes:

def calculateZscore(inFileName, outFileName):
    inputFile = open(inFileName, "r")
    txtfile = open(outFileName, 'w')

    for line in inputFile:
        newList = (line.split(','))

    print newList


if __name__ == "__main__":

(I have been making attempts at indexing but the fact that there is a string in my list has been making it difficult)


  • First, don’t put quotes around your program code. Second, here are some quick pointers:

    def calculateZscore(inFileName, outFileName):
        # use with to open files to avoid having to `close` files
        # explicitly
        # inputFile = open(inFileName,"r")  
        # txtfile = open(outFileName, 'w')
        with open(inFileName, 'r') as inputFile, open(outFileName, 'w') as txtFile:
            for line in inputFile:
                newList = line.strip().split(',')
                last_two = newList[-2:] # this gets the last two items in the list  
                print last_two 
    # indentation matters in python, make sure this line is indented all the way to the left, otherwise python will think it is part of 
    # a different function and not the main block of running code
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    As an aside, it looks like you are reading CSV file. python has built-in CSV processing that you may want to consider:

    def calculateZscore(inFileName, outFileName):
        import csv
        with open(inFileName, 'r') as inputFile, open(outFileName, 'w') as txtFile:
            reader = csv.reader(inputFile)
            for newList in reader:
                last_two = newList[-2:] # this gets the last two items in the list  
                print last_two