I use ec2.py dynamic inventory script with ansible to extract a list of ec2 hosts and their tag names. It returns me a list of JSON as below,
"tag_aws_autoscaling_groupName_asg_test": [
"tag_aws_autoscaling_groupName_asg_unknown": [
I'm using jq for parsing this output.
Because of the way jq's "-" operator is defined on arrays, one invocation of unique
is sufficient to produce a "uniquified" answer:
def difference($a; $b): ($a | unique) - $b;
Similarly, for the symmetric difference, a single sorting operation is sufficient to produce a "uniquified" value:
def sdiff($a; $b): (($a-$b) + ($b-$a)) | unique;
Here is a faster version of intersect/2
that should work with all versions of jq -- it eliminates group_by
in favor of sort
def intersect(x;y):
( (x|unique) + (y|unique) | sort) as $sorted
| reduce range(1; $sorted|length) as $i
if $sorted[$i] == $sorted[$i-1] then . + [$sorted[$i]] else . end) ;
If you have jq 1.5, then here's a similar but still measurably faster set-intersection function: it produces a stream of the elements in the set-intersection of the two arrays:
def intersection(x;y):
(x|unique) as $x | (y|unique) as $y
| ($x|length) as $m
| ($y|length) as $n
| if $m == 0 or $n == 0 then empty
else { i:-1, j:-1, ans:false }
| while( .i < $m and .j < $n;
$x[.i+1] as $nextx
| if $nextx == $y[.j+1] then {i:(.i+1), j:(.j+1), ans: true, value: $nextx}
elif $nextx < $y[.j+1] then .i += 1 | .ans = false
else .j += 1 | .ans = false
end )
| if .ans then .value else empty end ;