Search code examples

Obtaining a View Controller Reference

I read quite a few questions and answers no this problem. Some are for Ojective C. Some are for iOS. The ones that were close to what I need didn't work.

I've set up a protocol for delegation. It doesn't work. The problem is that delegate variable isn't set. I need the reference to an active controller.


protocol SwitchTabDelegate: class {
  func selectTab(tab: Int)

class ViewController: NSViewController {

  weak var delegate: SwitchTabDelegate?

  override func viewDidLoad() {

  @IBAction func selectCompositions(_ sender: NSButton) {

    if let delegate = self.delegate {
      delegate.selectTab(tab: 2)
    else {
      print("self.delegate is nil")
    print("delegate called")


class TabViewController: NSTabViewController, SwitchTabDelegate {

  var viewController : ViewController?;

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    //viewController = storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "viewController") as? ViewController
   // viewController?.delegate = self
  // print(viewController)

  func selectTab(tab: Int) {
    print("In the delegate")

  func switchToDataTab() {
    Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.2, target: self,
        selector: #selector(switchToDataTabCont),
        userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

  func switchToDataTabCont(){
    self.selectedTabViewItemIndex = 2

The delegatee is the main NSViewContoller. On the storyboard, it contains two buttons and a Container view controller. Embedded in the container view controller is the TabViewController, the delegatee. You can see in the delegatee where I tried to get a reference. It does get a reference, presumably to the newly instantiated instance. I need a reference to the original view controller that was spun up when the application started.


I added the following code to the delegator:

override func prepare(for segue: NSStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {

  let controller = segue.destinationController as! TabViewController
  self.delegate = controller as SwitchTabDelegate

That's not how it should work following the design pattern. The delegator should have no knowledge of the delegatee. I've spent way too much time on this issue so a hack is going to do.


  • When using storyboards, you want to "push" references to children when they are created vs. pulling them from an upstream controller. This is what -prepareForSegue:sender: is used for.