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Windows 10 and Netbeans: no write permissions

I've installed Netbeans 8.2. on my clean Windows 10 install. Now I want to set up a new project, but when I select my source folder I get the message 'Sources folder is not writable'.

Then I decided to just change my HTML code, but when I save I've got the message 'Cannot get exclusive access to: D:\Websites... (probably opened for reading)'.

I tried to open Netbeans as administrator, but nothing seems to work. Anybody who had the same problem and could solve it?



  • If the cause is same as me, check your Antivirus settings, and whitelist Netbeans.

    I've experienced the same an hour ago, after checking the writing permissions and creating a new project all together, nothing worked. Then I remembered I have an antivirus (Bitdefender) with Ransomware protection for my documents folder, I went to the log (of Bitdefender) and yeah, it was blocked as suspicious software, just added it to the trusted list and it works fine now.