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Angular cli for existing github project

I'm new to Angular 2 CLI. As per tutorial, there is command provided called ng create <project_name>. My scenario is creating project in existing directory.

It throws error like below:

Directory 'angular-basic' already exists.


  • Try ng init will create project inside your existing directory then do ng serve.

    ng init <project-name> [options]
    Creates a new Angular project in the current folder.
     --dry-run only output the files created and operations performed, do
     not actually create the project.
     Alias: 'd'.
     --verbose output more information.
     Alias: 'v'.
     --skip-npm do not run any npm command once the project is created.
     --name The name of the project to create.

    For New Angular 2.x Project

    ng new foo
    cd foo
    npm link angular-cli
    ng serve
