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Early initializer `new {} with SomeTrait` fails

There seems to be a subtlety when using early initializer syntax.

trait Base { def callMe = "callMe" }
trait Proxy { this: Base => def call = s"proxied: $callMe" }

val base1 = new Base { }   // non-early init works
val baseFail = new { } with Base   // error: trait Base is abstract; cannot be instantiated
val base2 = new { val n=1 } with Base   // why does this fix the failure?
val proxy = new { } with Base with Proxy   // why doesn't this fail?

Why does the baseFail line fail, while the other vals don't?

The error message is also confusing - I'm not trying to instantiate Base, only mix it in.


  • When you write new { } with Base, there technically aren't any early definitions. According to the SLS 5.1.6, the compiler looks for a pattern like this:

    EarlyDefs         ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}' `with'
    EarlyDef          ::=  {Annotation} {Modifier} PatVarDef

    Though it doesn't explicitly say what happens when the sequences of definitions is empty, it seems to just remove them, because when you compile val a = new { val x = 1 } with Base, you get something like this after the parsing phase:

    val a = {
      final class $anon extends Base {
        val x = _;
        def <init>() = {
          val x = 1;
      new $anon()

    But if you empty the braces, you simply get:

     val a = new Base()

    Which is illegal, as is new Base.

    To summarize:

    Is an anonymous class, which is allowed :

    val base1 = new Base { }

    Simplifies to new Base, which is illegal:

    val baseFail = new { } with Base

    Is a proper early definition (not empty) which is allowed:

    val base2 = new { val n=1 } with Base

    Simplifies to new Base with Proxy which is also allowed:

    val proxy = new { } with Base with Proxy

    new { } with Base { } also compiles, but it's exactly the same as new Base { }, so there's no reason to write it that way.