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perl TAP testing: how to get count of failed tests from TAP::Formatter::HTML output?

I run some TAP Tests using TAP::Formatter::HTML.

This CPAN module generates beautiful dynamic HTML Reports, but I want to use the number of passed tests, failed tests etc - to insert them into a database after all tests completed.

The code below does not work. It prints nothing to the console. I admit, for lines 10 and after, I just have slapped together some code from the POD descriptions of the TAP::* classes.

Before I dive into the source code of Aggregator, Harmess or Formatter classes and subclasses, I better ask:

does anyone here know how to make this code work?

    my $cons = TAP::Formatter::Console->new();
    my $fmt = TAP::Formatter::HTML->new;

    $fmt->css_uris( \@css_uris )->inline_css($my_css)->js_uris($js_uris)->inline_js($inline_js);

    my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( { formatter => $fmt, merge => 1 } );

    $harness->test_args(["--browser=$browser", "--config=$config"]);
    my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;

#    $harness->aggregate_tests( $aggregator, @tests );
#    print $fmt->summary($aggregator);
    my $txt = $cons->summary( $aggregator ); 
    my $summary = <<'END_SUMMARY';
    Passed:  %s
    Failed:  %s
    Unexpectedly succeeded: %s
    printf $summary,
           scalar $aggregator->passed,
           scalar $aggregator->failed,
           scalar $aggregator->todo_passed;

    #$failcount = sprintf("%03d", $harness->failures());
    print "summary: $txt\n";


  • Why not get the test data from the same source TAP::Formatter::HTML does? It is probably inspecting the Test::Builder object and getting the test statistics from there. The Test::Builder object is a singleton, so it is pretty easy to request a copy of it after your tests have been done and extract the data from it for DB insertion, at about the same time the pretty HTML reports are generated.