I'm using Sicstus Prolog, and I'm trying to solve the Domino Puzzle.
I have a list with triplets, which I need to set the domain of. I know how to set the domain of a single variable, or a list of single variables, but how can I do it if my list has triplets, and each of the elements of the triples has a different domain?
DV = [R1-C1-D1, R2-C2-D2, ... , R15-C15-D15]
What I want to do is this:
domain(R1, 1, 4)
domain(C1, 1, 4)
domain(D1, 0, 1)
domain(R2, 1, 4)
domain(C2, 1, 4)
domain(D2, 0, 1)
domain(R15, 1, 4)
domain(C15, 1, 4)
domain(D15, 0, 1)
How can I do this without having to explicitly state each of the variables?
Describe the domains for one element:
eldoms(R-C-D) :-
domain(R, 1, 4),
domain(C, 1, 4),
domain(D, 0, 1).
..., maplist(eldoms, RCDs), ...
using library(maplist)
Alternatively, using library(lambda)
..., maplist(
\ (R-C-D) ^ ( domain(R, 1, 4),
domain(C, 1, 4),
domain(D, 0, 1) ), RCDs), ...