I want to implement the native Ads in the ionic app. I have seen some native android apps which are using Native Ads to display Ads in the middle of the app content. I need the same functionality to display Ads in specific position of the app. Currently I am using google admob plugin for ads, I am able to create banner Ads and interstitial Ads but I need Ads in middle of content of the app.
is there any way to implement native ads in ionic?
Thanks in advance.
In ionic with google admob we can't create 'Native ads'
we have used 'Facebook audience network' ads for integrating the native ads in ionic.
we have a clear cordova plugin to integrate facebook ads which make my work simpler.
you can refer this cordova plugin : https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-facebookads
if any one has any issue with this plugin integration you can post here, i will try to help you.