So I'm trying to compare multiple tables using a Python script. The actual comparison is working, tested with print statements, but the write to a .txt file is not. I believe I might have an error in my syntax, though being relatively new to Python, I can't find it.
for num in range(0, 4): #runs through the database array and compares the files in each folder
comp_var = directory + server_number[size] + databases[num]
for file in os.listdir(comp_var):
for num1 in os.listdir(master + databases[num]):
var = master + databases[num] + "\\" + os.listdir(master + databases[num])[size]
for line in open(var, 'r'):
for line2 in open(comp_var + "\\" + file, 'r'):
same = set(line).intersection(line2)
with open('results.txt', 'w') as file_out:
for line1 in same:
size = size + 1
comp_var = directory + server_number[size] + databases[num]
size = 0
Your problem is that you create a new file every time you call open. You should use 'a' to append to a file, which is probably what you want.