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FTP File Upload - Filename Encoding Error

I'm using apache's commons-net 3.5 to upload files to a remote FTP server, and setting the connection encoding to UTF-8 like below, before openning the connection.


And this is the part that sends the file

private void uploadFile(byte[] data, String path, String fileName, FTPClient ftpClient) throws IOException {
    boolean uploadSuccess = ftpClient.storeUniqueFile(fileName, new  ByteArrayInputStream(data));

Here is the problem; when sending files whose name contains Turkish characters, the result file is named incorrectly. Like,

Kimlikş.pdf -> KimlikÅ.pdf

But if I use ftp4j, everything works fine. Did anyone have this before? The data ships incrorrectly from my side. I monitored the traffic with Microsoft Network Monitor. Here is the raw request:

FTP FTP:Request from Port 62642,'STOR KimlikÅ.pdf'  {TCP:5879, IPv4:134}


  • I guess there was a bug with apache's commons-net, so I migrated to ftp4j and the problem was no more.
