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OctoberCMS: How to prevent a form filed from being saved into database?

I've got a form fields definition file like the following:

        label: Hall
        type: text
        span: auto

        label: Booth
        type: text
        span: auto

        label: Select Booth
        type: boothpicker
        span: full

The third field is only a form widget which provides a convenient visual way to set the value of booth field. Therefore, I do not need the booth_picker field to be submitted and saved into database because there is no such field in the table. Only hall and booth need to be submitted and saved. I am currently getting this error:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'booth_picker' in 'field list' (SQL: update users set updated_at = 2016-12-15 13:14:44, booth_picker = where id = 37)"

How can I prevent this helper field from being submitted? Or maybe there is a way of removing this field before the model is saved into database?


  • try to add underscore before your field name (new October Cms feature so perhaps you need to upgrade it to version 382)

    like that _booth_picker

    edit : im not sure but it seems this feature doesnt work with checkbox field :-(