On Windows Plat, I extend the python path to include my module folder. That works fine but once the kivy program is compiled by Buildozer into an apk,
the 'import' command no longer loads my modules. The log file reads....
[WARNING] stderr: ImportError: No module named a_sync
Errors on first module.
Is there some special way to import your own modules from the folder you set up in your database directory?
I don't think my apk will import the pyo files. I can see where I extended the python path to my modules...but no import.
----update---------- The apk runs now but the graphics aren't right. Kivy Launcher runs the app perfectly (graphics and all), so what could possible be going wrong with the buildozer build?
The visuals have this funny looking distortion. Example, if a png image is round like a circle, kivy apk running shows the same graphic like a star or flower (not fully round anymore).
---update---- I updated the Kivy Launcher and it too has the distorted graphcis rendering.
Just dropped custom modules in the same place main.py (pyo) is located. Kivy is like another API set I used in the past except kivy is not a full fledge 3D engine. Like the 3D engine I used in the past, final packages ran from a virtual environment. The difference then was the fact I could store my custom modules in python's site-packages directory.
With that not being the case in kivy (at least not through buildozer), root directory is best opt.