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Why do am i able to login to MariaDB using anything with XAMPP on Windows 7

I'm new around XAMPP on Windows 7, usually I uses MariaDB on a Linux Debian.

I notice something strange recently: the default root doesn't have a password, but the problem for me is why do I'm able to login to MariaDB using anything and I mean literally anything that doesn't even belonged to an existing username.


mysql -u johndoe

I can login using that kind of username eventhough there's no johndoe user, it's not a big problem though because even though I can login using that username, I can't do anything because those users doesn't had any access yet, but my question is why is it happening? And how to stop it?

Thanks, stackoverflow!


  • Connect to the database as root. Make sure you are really root by running


    It should show root@localhost or something else that has root as a username. Then run

    SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

    If it returns anything, then it's the reason why you can connect with non-existing user names -- you have so-called anonymous accounts.

    To stop it, run

    DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';