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I am running checkmarx from the CLI plugin. Here's my command:

    runCxConsole.cmd scan -v -ProjectName "THE PROJECT NAME" -CxServer MY SERVER -CxUser amr\test -CxPassword password –Locationtype folder –locationpath "C:\Users\test\Documents\source_code\" –ReportPDF "C:\Users\test\Documents\reports\report.pdf"

And on my folder source_code I have projects with source code. It is there. I have checked many times. This is the output I receive

enter image description here

What is the problem? :(


  • can you try this? runCxConsole.cmd Scan -Projectname "CxServer\SP\Company\Users\bs java" -CxServer http://xx.xx.xx.xx -cxuser user@cx -cxpassword pass -locationtype folder -locationpath "C:\Local_Projects\BS java Small1" -preset Default -v

    and replace with your info...