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VBA - Count empty cols, search and replace

I'm learning VBA and trying to do something a bit complicated for me. Here's the deal :

My Excel file

In my "H" column, I'm using the "CONCATENATE" formula to get a key of all the elements I want in my columns, for each line. As you can see, some elements aren't filled and I'm having unwanted " - " separators. I'd like to have a macro that searches and replaces the double, triple (...) separators that I don't want, and if there a line filled only with separators (i.e my H5 cell) I'd like it to be replaced with nothing instead.

The thing is, I'd like to add some columns/lines in the future and I don't want to change the macro every time I'm adding a column or a line. Consequently, it'd be great if there was a way to say to my macro: "Whenever there's a line filled with nothing but separators, replace it with nothing".

This is the part I don't know how to deal with. Could you guys give me a hint?

Thanks and sorry for the long post, here's a kawaii potato

potato - Hi 9gag users!


  • TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], …)

    =TEXTJOIN(" - ",TRUE,A2:G2)

    enter image description here

    UPDATE: If your version of Excel doesn't have TEXTJOIN

    Function UDFTextTJoin(delimiter As String, ignore_empty As Boolean, ParamArray Text()) As String
        Dim s As String
        Dim v As Variant
        Dim x As Long
        For x = 0 To UBound(Text)
            If TypeName(Text(x)) = "Range" Then
                For Each v In Text(x)
                    If Not ignore_empty Or v <> "" Then
                        If Len(s) Then s = s & delimiter
                        s = s & v
                    End If
                If Not ignore_empty Or Text(x) <> "" Then
                    If Len(s) Then s = s & delimiter
                    s = s & Text(x)
                End If
            End If
        UDFTextTJoin = s
    End Function