In Sequel, if you have a Model class called MyModel, you can do something like this:
#make MyModel instance
row =, column2)
#save it to the database Sequel is connected to
However, "" will fail if you're saving a duplicate primary key.
I'm looking for a method that will save a value to the database if the primary key is not duplicate and save nothing, without failing, otherwise.
I have looked through the instance methods for Sequel Model, but I haven't found what I'm looking for. Is there a way I can do this?
I've not used Sequel before, but you could always wrap the call to save with a begin/rescue block and just swallow the error without doing anything (you almost always want to do SOMETHING).
row =, col2)
rescue Sequel::DatabaseError => e
# handle error here
Note: you might want something other than DatabaseError