When working with data in the frontend there are often challenges to visualize data understandable for the user. The (dynamic) data to visualize is well structured and simple (with a focus on data size and the prevention of overloading).
But the data structure below (DATA
) is off course not the best visual representation for the user.
Let me explain the problem I can't solve well yet using the following example:
And let me point out here that I come from a perspective of template engines like EJS
etc. which might be the main reason why I don't find a simple way to solve — don't know...
Example: Matrix Table (e.g. time slots in a year by a weekly resolution)
Data (DATA
name:'Slot 1',
name:'Slot 2',
name:'Slot 3',
The data should be rendered into a matrix table
with three rows
(as many rows as items in the data)
and with a resolution of 52 weeks (cells
) per row
. And the range (start
- end
) should be highlighted in that table.
As mentioned above I came with a perspective of other templating engines and so I try to figure out how to write loops
or so in angular to get this visualization. In other templating engines I would 'interpret' the data within the template and create the HTML
in two loops
because this "overloading" is only relevant for visual purposes.
Dynamically generated markup (EJS
) - way
<% var i, weeks=52;
<% var j;
<td class="<%((j>=DATA[i].slot.start && j<= DATA[i].slot.end)?'in-range':'')%>">
<%- j %>
Actually I'm not able to solve this in an efficient way in Angular 2.x
and the only solution I can achieve yet (which is not good of course) is to write the entire HTML
for such a table
This obiously ends in a huge overhead whenever there is a change in the HTML
required (e.g. adding a class
or so). I know search & replace in the markup ;) but it's still a lot of markup to maintain which could be generated and I think there must be a way to do that in Angular2 either.
Thanks for any help pointing me into a better direction.
You can get desired layout with this code:
<tr *ngFor="let row of DATA">
<td>{{ row.name }}</td>
<td *ngFor="let week of weeks"
[class.in-range]="row.slot.start <= week && week <= row.slot.end">
{{ week }}
where weeks = [1, 2, 3, ..., 52]
or, with this helper function:
export function range(count: number, from = 0) {
return Array.from(Array(count)).map((_, i) => i + from);
<td *ngFor="let week of range(52)">