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How to get wifi connected device list in alljoyn?

I have use alljoyn for wifi share. I want device list connected to wifi network on channel base.

I have follow one demo but it not call implemented method announced

AboutListener is part of alljoyn.

import org.alljoyn.bus.AboutListener;

public class OnboardingApplication extends Application implements AboutListener {

        public void announced(String busName, int version, short port, AboutObjectDescription[] objectDescriptions, Map<String, Variant> aboutMap) {
            Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            try {
                newMap = TransportUtil.fromVariantMap(aboutMap);
                String deviceId = (newMap.get(AboutKeys.ABOUT_APP_ID).toString());
                String deviceFriendlyName = (String) newMap.get(AboutKeys.ABOUT_DEVICE_NAME);
                m_logger.debug(TAG, "onAnnouncement received: with parameters: busName:" + busName + ", port:" + port + ", deviceid" + deviceId + ", deviceName:" + deviceFriendlyName);
                addDevice(deviceId, busName, port, deviceFriendlyName, objectDescriptions, newMap);

            } catch (BusException e) {



  • In order to get the announced method called you'll need to register your AboutListener:

    //Bus Connection
    Status status = mBus.connect();
    //Check if connection is established
    if (status != Status.OK) {
    //Setup Bus Attachment
    mBus.setDebugLevel("ALLJOYN_JAVA", 7);
    //Start AboutData Listener
    status = mBus.whoImplements(null);
    if (status != Status.OK) {
        Log.e(TAG, "whoImplements Error");
    } else {
        Log.w(TAG, "whoImplements Success");

    mListener is your object that implements AboutListener.

    When you call whoImplements(null) you are saying you want all announcements from all interfaces.