I have created my Apache Velocity template under /resources/fileTemplates/internal/myTemplateClass.vm
and would like to use it through:
final JavaDirectoryServiceImpl javaDirectoryService = new JavaDirectoryServiceImpl();
So I added the following in my plugin.xml:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<!-- Add your extensions here -->
<internalFileTemplate name="myTemplateClass"/>
However when I run my plugin it claims that it did not find a template with the name "myTemplateClass". I assume it is cause I haven't linked to the file perse. Where should I link this?
If you have an <internalFileTemplate>
with the name of "myTemplateClass" and you want to use it to create a Java class, the template needs to be stored as fileTemplates/internal/myTemplateClass.java.ft
. So you need to change the extension of your file.