After updating a Powerpoint (not an embedded excel chart) in PowerpPoint 2016 using VBA, the chart no longer allows editing of data when I right click on the chart and select Edit data. If I select the filter symbol on the upper rHS of the chart I get this error.
The Linked File is not Available to edit the link. Click edit links to files below.
The hyper link does nothing after clicking on it.
This is the code used to update the chart
For Each oSH In ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes
oSH.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).values = "Sheet1!$B$1:$B" & maxrow ' change the series range before opening and closing the workbook object
oSH.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "Sheet1!$A$1:$A" & maxrow 'max number showing is 6 data points
With oSH.Chart.ChartData
'this updates the values in the datasheet
.Workbook.sheets(1).Range("A1:B" & lrow - 2).Value = xlWorkBook.sheets(2).Range("A3:B" & lrow).Value
End With
After days of searching and experimenting, I found a solution for my problem. I didn't create the slide or chart and discovered that the data was in a table on the data sheet. I edited the data in an Excel sheet and converted the table to a range.
Oddly enough, that solved my problem.