Search code examples

How to fix "Ignored duplicated keys" in message

I'm using Savon to test some WSDL SOAP services, and some of the services need duplicated keys/values in the message. For example the "product" value inside the "products" array:
  :create_template, message: {
    :item => [{
      'promotion_id'      => "1",
      'code_is_unique'    => "0",
      'name'          => "qasusc1",
      'description'     => "Automation suscription",
      'basecode'        => "qasusc1",
      'total_redemptions'   => "30",
      'valid_from'      => "2016-12-12 00:00:00",
      'valid_to'        => "2017-12-12 00:00:00",
      'duration_quantity'   => "1",
      'duration_unit'     => "M",
      'operator_code'     => "NAME",
      'initial_quantity'    => "30",
      :products => [{
        :product => [{
          'id'          => "3",
          'off_percentage'    => "100",
          'quantity'        => "1"
        :product => [{
          'id'          => "4",
          'off_percentage'    => "100",
          'quantity'        => "1"
      :lists => [{
        'list'          => "1"
      :promotion_rules => [{
        :promotion_rule => [{
          'code'    => "HAS_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RULE",
          'value'   => "1"

But I'm getting the following error:

tests/suites_soap/test_soap.rb:840: warning: duplicated key at line 22 ignored: :product


  • You cannot duplicate a key inside a hash, period.

    { a: 1, a: 2 } will always be equal to {a: 2}.

    According to this issue, you should use an array to represent duplicated keys in Ruby form:

    :products => [{
      :product => [
          'id'                    => "3",
          'off_percentage'        => "100",
          'quantity'              => "1"
          'id'                    => "4",
          'off_percentage'        => "100",
          'quantity'              => "1"