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Changing flyway migration files after setting new baseline

I have flyway integrated in one of my projects. I have many migrations and it takes a long time to migrate a new empty database, mainly because there are seed data added along the way as well. Now I want to change that. Unfortunately those migrations were already pushed to production (and yes, at some point the seed data was migrated there as well).

My idea was to set a baseline for the current version of the production system and clean up the old migrations afterwards: Squash the schema-migrations and move the seed- and test-data to a new location, that is not deployed to production.

Now my questions are:

  1. How can I set a baseline in my production database, without affecting all others? Call flyway baseline ... on the database directly? Or can I use any kind of special migration file? Maybe write the baseline line directly to the schema_version table of the database? How would such a query look like?
  2. My newest migration is V4_6_3__.... So my baseline needs to be on V5__...? Or is V4__... enough and all migrations with the same major version are included?
  3. When the baseline is set, is it possible/save to add, edit, and remove migrations, older than the baseline, without breaking my production database on the next migration task?

Sorry for the basic questions, but it seems to me, that the flyway documentation is no help at all...

Thanks in advance!


  • Sry for the late answer. I have done a pretty similar thing to the one @markdsievers suggested:

    I assured that the production environment was at least on version X (flyway.setTarget(X)). Then I changed to a new schema version table (flyway.setTable('temporary_schema_version')) and ran a single migration, that deleted the old table. Afterwards I changed the schema version table back to the original one, set a baseline to version Y > X and ran another migration that deleted the temporary table.

    Now I can edit/squash/delete all migrations with a version lower than Y without crashing my production-deployment.