I'm attempting to use dsc_authenticationinfo => {"Anonymous"=>false, "Basic"=>false, "Digest"=>false, "Windows"=>true},
getting could not evaluate
error below. This property is inside of dsc_xwebsite{}.
dsc_ensure => 'Present',
dsc_name => $app_dns_name,
dsc_state => 'Started',
dsc_physicalpath => $app_webroot_path,
dsc_applicationpool => $app_pool_name,
dsc_bindinginfo => [{
protocol => 'HTTP',
port => 80,
hostname => $app_dns_name,
dsc_authenticationinfo => {"Anonymous"=>true, "Basic"=>true, "Digest"=>true, "Windows"=>true},
I'm getting the following error on my windows 2012 R2 host.
Error: /Stage[main]/Profiles::Iis_tools/Dsc_xwebsite[tools-dev.domain.com]: Could not evaluate: Convert property 'authenticationinfo' value from type 'INSTANCE[]' to type 'INSTANCE' failed
At line:31, char:2
This was an issue with 1) documentation on Microsoft's DSC code. 2) Improper implementation in puppetlabs\dsc module. The MS documentation was fixed and the DSC module was fixed as of version 1.2.0.