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Android TV how to change detailsFragment data when I click action button?

I want to change description in the fullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter when I click action button, how to do it? I can change data, however how to refresh the view?

enter image description here

For example, when I click "BUY$9.99", text in the red box will change.


  • You need to add this line:


    in your DetailsFragment, where you may have something like this:

        private DetailsOverviewRow detailsOverviewRow;
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            detailsOverviewRow = new DetailsOverviewRow(oldItem);
            SectionDetailsPresenter detailsPresenter =
                    new SectionDetailsPresenter(new  SectionDetailsDescriptionPresenter());
            detailsPresenter.setOnActionClickedListener(new OnActionClickedListener() {
                public void onActionClicked(Action action) {
                    if (action.getId() == ACTION_BUY) {
                        Object newItem = oldItem;
                        newItem.setDescription("new description");

    The newItem is the oldItemyou used to create an instance of DetailsOverviewRow, but with the description attribute changed.

    Once you set a new item for your DetailsOverviewRow, the description presenter (SectionDetailsDescriptionPresenter in this sample) will be called again, and it will set the newItem description attribute in the red box you were asking for.