I have a UISlider
& UIProgressView
to which I set a certain value. The slider handle then moves to a maximum value, as expected.
UISlider and UIProgressview Image
Now, I want to let the user slide the slider thumb to that red point. (as in the picture)
For example, I have a UISlider
with a max value of 100 and min value of 0. But, I want to set the thumb image of the slider to not to cross a certain point inside a slider.
I don't want the user to slide "more left" than that progress tint but on the "right" of it, I want to let the user slide the handle back and forth up-to the red point as in the fig. OR, in other words: I want the UISlider to "stick" to the progress tint of progressView. If the progress is 80..the progress tint will display up-to 80 and the slider should start exact from that red point.
Is this sort of behavior possible in Swift?
Solution:- I simply created a view via storyboard and adjusted a image view in between the progressview and sliderview and a progress set to '1' and a width constraint for progressview with a multiplier constraints.
here you go.
var prevValue : Float = 0.0
@IBAction func sliderChangeValue(_ slider: UISlider) {
if slider.value < prevValue {
slider.value = prevValue;
prevValue = slider.value;
this work fine. just tested it.