I am using Meteor 1.4.
Template.showProducts.onCreated(() => {
var handle = Meteor.subscribe("products");
//not working: var handle = this.subscribe("products");
//not working: var handle = Template.instance().subscribe("products");
Tracker.autorun(() => {
//not working: this.autorun
const isReady = Meteor.ready();
//not working: this.subscriptionsReady()
const products = Products.find().fetch();
Session.set("prods", products);
If I use "this.subscribe", I got:
Uncaught TypeError: _this.subscribe is not a function
If I use "Template.instance()", I got:
Cannot read property 'subscriptionsReady' of null
If you use an arrow function, then the value of this
which Meteor tries to pass in is lost. Instead use a regular anonymous function (function () { ... }
You should then use this.autorun
rather than Tracker.autorun
. This will ensure that the autorun is cleaned up when the template disappears, and will allow Template.instance
to work inside the autorun.