I need to grab the last List Item (CardView) coming from a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter in order do add extra bottom padding to it.
The problem is that the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter works a bit differently than a RecyclerView and doesn't have an Array or List of items passed to it, but a Firebase Database Reference.
So I can't do this. For example:
public void onBindViewHolder(UserViewHolder userViewHolder, int position) {
if( position == getItemCount() - 1 ){
// Your last item
Could anyone help please?
Here is my try that might help you:
as its docementation is copied from RecyclerView.Adapter
(still no big difference):
Returns the total number of items in the data set held by the adapter.
Instead of onBindViewHolder()
you can do that in populateViewHolder()
protected void populateViewHolder(VH viewHolder, T model, int position)
if (position == getItemCount() - 1)