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Model with multiple polymorphic fields

I need to add a feature to my system, it's a stock control system.

The feature to be added is about the possibility to start chats in different models. I have Products, Sellers, ProductCollections and a lot of more objects and I need to start conversations within them.

So I thought about making a table with three polymorphic fields to make it fully reusable with any variants. This are the fields




And the proper fields to make the conversation possible (message, in_reply_of, etc...)

The sender and receiver needs to be polymorphic because a conversation could be made between SystemUsers and Customers.

Am I in the right way? Will this work in this way? Also I don't know how could I save the Chat entities.


  • If you want to set a chat for multiple sender, receiver and topics, I believe this relation is good to go.

    Also, I was unable to to understand what you exactly mean by Chat entities but the below approach should clear out any doubts you might be having about this approach.

    Below is how you can get things done!

    Setting the Relations

    Set the relations in the following manner

    class Chat
      public function sender()
        return $this->morphTo();
      public function topic()
        return $this->morphTo();
      public function receiver()
        return $this->morphTo();
    class SystemUser
      public function sentChats()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Chat', 'sender');
      public function receivedChats()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Chat', 'receiver');
    class Customer
      public function sentChats()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Chat', 'sender');
      public function receivedChats()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Chat', 'receiver');
    class Illustrate
      public function illustrable()
        return $this->morphTo();
      public function chats()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Chat', 'topic');

    Creating A Chat

    How to create a chat

    public function create()
      $inputs = request()->only([
        'sender_id', 'sender_type', 'receiver_id', 'receiver_type', 'topic_id', 'topic_type',
        'message', 'in_reply_of',
      $sender = $this->getSender($inputs);
      $receiver = $this->getReceiver($inputs);
      $topic = $this->getTopic($inputs);
      if($sender && $receiver && $topic) {
        $chat = $sender->sentChats()->create([
                  'receiver_id' => $receiver->id,
                  'receiver_type' => get_class($receiver),
                  'topic_id' => $topic->id,
                  'topic_type' => get_class($topic),
                  'message' => $inputs['message'],
                  'in_reply_of' => $inputs['in_reply_of'],
    private function getSender($inputs)
      if(isset($inputs['sender_type'], $inputs['sender_id']) && is_numeric($inputs['sender_id'])) {
        switch($inputs['sender_type']) {
          case 'SystemUser':
            return SystemUser::find($inputs['sender_id']);
          case 'Customer':
            return Customer::find($inputs['sender_id']);
            return null;
    private function getReceiver($inputs)
      if(isset($inputs['receiver_type'], $inputs['receiver_id']) && is_numeric($inputs['receiver_id'])) {
        switch($inputs['receiver_type']) {
          case 'SystemUser':
            return SystemUser::find($inputs['receiver_id']);
          case 'Customer':
            return Customer::find($inputs['receiver_id']);
            return null;
    private function getTopic($inputs)
      if(isset($inputs['topic_type'], $inputs['topic_id']) && is_numeric($inputs['topic_id'])) {
        switch($inputs['topic_type']) {
          case 'Illustrate':
            return Illustrate::find($inputs['topic_id']);
            return null;

    Getting a chat

    public function get($id) {
      $chat = Chat::find($id);
      $sender = $chat->sender;
      // Inverse
      // $systemUser = SystemUser::find($id);
      // $systemUser->sentChats->where('id', $chatId);
      $receiver = $chat->receiver;
      // Inverse
      // $customer = Customer::find($id);
      // $customer->receivedChats->where('id', $chatId);
      $topic = $chat->topic;
      // Inverse
      // $illustrate = Illustrate::find($id);
      // $illustrate->chats;

    Note :- Please understand I haven't tested any of this... This is just a small example on how you can get things done.

    Let me know if you face any issues understanding this.