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Firebase Array into AngularChart

I tried to turn this database

enter image description here

to be radar chart using angular-chart.

I'm wondering how to turn my Firebase array to be a new array compatible with this angular-chart array format?

  $scope.labels =["Eating", "Drinking", "Sleeping", "Designing", "Coding", "Cycling", "Running", "Running", "Running", "Running"];
            $ = [[12,14,23,56,64,34,46,34,76,12]];

enter image description here

I tried this but it failed

 $scope.labels =$scope.results.$id;
 $ = [$scope.results.$value];

Edited: this is my own answer base on digit's knowledge

  $scope.labels = [], $scope.dataRaw = [], $ = [];


                .on("value", function(snapshot){
                     console.log("The "+ data.key()+" score is "+ data.val());


  • You can actually by doing this

    // Initialise array
    $scope.labels = [], $scope.dataRaw = [], $ = [];
    // Fetch results in form of array of object 
    angular.forEach($scope.results, function (obj) {
    // Store data array into new array