I tried installing ffmpeg
$ brew install ffmpeg
and running ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -i audio.m4a -ar 8000 -ab 12.2k audio.amr
I got the following error:
Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format amr (codec amr_nb) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually. Error selecting an encoder for stream 0:0
I can't figure out how to enable amr_nb.
List all install options for ffmpeg Homebrew package:
$ brew info ffmpeg
ffmpeg: stable 3.2.2 (bottled), HEAD
Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/3.2.2 (239 files, 50.3M) *
Built from source on 2016-12-14 at 17:43:58 with: --with-opencore-amr
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/ffmpeg.rb==> Dependencies
Build: pkg-config ✔, texi2html ✔, yasm ✔
Recommended: lame ✔, x264 ✔, xvid ✔
Optional: chromaprint ✘, fdk-aac ✘, fontconfig ✘, freetype ✘, frei0r ✘, game-music-emu ✘, libass ✘, libbluray ✘, libbs2b ✘, libcaca ✘, libebur128 ✘, libgsm ✘, libmodplug ✘, libsoxr ✘, libssh ✘, libvidstab ✘, libvorbis ✘, libvpx ✘, opencore-amr ✔, openh264 ✘, openjpeg ✘, openssl ✘, opus ✘, rtmpdump ✘, rubberband ✘, schroedinger ✘, sdl2 ✘, snappy ✘, speex ✘, tesseract ✘, theora ✘, two-lame ✘, wavpack ✘, webp ✘, x265 ✘, xz ✘, zeromq ✘, zimg ✘==> Options
Enable Opencore AMR NR/WB audio format
More concisely:
$ brew info ffmpeg | grep amr
$ brew install ffmpeg --with-opencore-amr
$ ffmpeg -i audio.m4a -ar 8000 -ab 12.2k audio.amr