So one day, no idea how it happened, my windows 10 PC added "English UK" to the keyboard layouts list. I already had "English US". So now, when I Alt+Shift through the layouts I have both US and UK layouts.
Later, "English INTL" was added too. So now i my keyboard layouts looks like this:
The problem is, both these added layouts don't appear in the Language settings in the control panel:
How is this possible and how can I remove these layouts?
I managed to solve it by myself.
I had to add the English (United Kingdom) keyboard manually in the settings, then, in the options of this language I added the "English(United Kingdom) - United states - international keyboard" layout.
Then removed this layout, after which i removed the English (United Kingdom) language.
It seems that Windows 10 didn't update the languages in the settings, so to remove them you first need to add them.
I still have no idea how these languages were added in the first place though..