I need to find repeated words with grep/egrep. The scheme is the following:
space word1<1 or more spaces>word1<2 or more spaces>word2<1 or more spaces>word2 space
hello world world yaaay yaaay abc
After grep: " world world yaaay yaaay "
I tried to use: egrep " (\w{1,}) {1,}\1 "
I can achive this with awk
echo "hello world world yaaay yaaay abc" | awk 'BEGIN{tmp=""; result=""} {for(x=1;x<=NF;x++){if($x==tmp){result = result " " $x " " $x};tmp=$x}} END{print result}'
world world yaaay yaaay
One more test with string "hello world world yaaay yaaay wow aaa aaa abc":
echo "hello world world yaaay yaaay wow aaa aaa abc" | awk 'BEGIN{tmp=""; result=""} {for(x=1;x<=NF;x++){if($x==tmp){result = result " " $x " " $x};tmp=$x}} END{print result}'
world world yaaay yaaay aaa aaa