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How to define view Element within a view's method in backbone.js?

In building a view to control re-usable ui controls (tabs, modals, alerts, etc). I want to be able to call ui.tabs(options) which will then create the view 'object'.

I've managed to get so far that I can call ui.tabs(options). But now I can't quite figure out how to set the element with a views method (ie: tabs()). When I set a template to this.el, this.$el or this.$el.html I just get an undefined error.

Can someone explain where i'm going wrong?

Here's my code so far (simple I know):

/* UI Tools */
    function (Backbone, tabsTemplate) {
        var uiView = Backbone.View.extend({
            events: {
                "click .tab": "clickTab"

            initalize: function () {


             * TAB CONTROLS
            tabs: function (options) {

                this.el = $(_.template(tabsTemplate, options));


            clickTab: function () {
                console.log('tab clicked');

             * MODAL CONTROLS
            modal: function () {


             * ALERT CONTROLS
            alert: function () {


             * CORE
            render: function () {
                return this.$el;


        return new uiView();


  • Using Underscore's templating

    _.template returns a function. Use the returned function to render a template:

    var templateFunc = _.template(tabsTemplate, options); // returns a function
    templateFunc({ you: "data" }); // returns a string

    Additional information

    Changing el

    ✘ Do not set el or $el like this:

    this.el = /* ... */;

    ✔ Instead, use this.setElement which ensures that both el and $el are set correctly and re-delegates events:


    Making reusable components

    In a Backbone app I made, I made one view for each reusable components instead of one instance for all of them.

    Split the views and return the constructor to build a component when you need one.

    define([/* ... */], function(/* ... */) {
        var ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({
            /* ... */
        return ModalView;

    And do the same for every component.

    Then in a bigger component, like a page layout, use a lot of smaller components.

    ], function(ModalView, TabsView) {
        var Layout = Backbone.View.extend({
            /* ... */
            initialize: function(){
                this.view = {
                    modal: new ModalView(),
                    tabs: new TabsView(),
        return Layout;