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WINCE winform can't change size

My winform can't change the size. The wince device is 480*764. I debugged and got a new size:


But the size still unchanged. What happened?


  • Try putting your sizing code into the constructor not the Load event. Don't think that FormBorderStyle needs to be sizable (is this even supported in the .NET Compact Framework which I assume you are using?). Our forms have a style of FixedDialog. If you need to centre the form you can use this helper function which you call immediately after setting the size:

    public static void SetFormPosition(Form frmChild)
        // Set the form position on the Windows CE panel
        if (frmChild != null)
            // Get the size of the screen (should be 480x768)
            Rectangle rctScreen = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
            // Now calculate the position of the form
            int nPosX = ((rctScreen.Width - frmChild.Width) / 2);
            int nPosY = ((rctScreen.Height - frmChild.Height) / 2);
            // Set the position
            frmChild.Location = new Point(nPosX, nPosY);