I have (a possibly easy) question about running braintree on a python heroku server as detailed here https://developers.braintreepayments.com/start/hello-server/python
Now, I am new to heroku and have tried and done a lot of tutorials, which all seem to create an application that is accessible by web server (as for example with python's flask).
Clearly, I cannot test my braintree app through web server. Is there any other way to correspond with my braintree serves once it's live to see if it is doing the right thing? From the console for example?
I am just wondering if there is a way other than through iOS to interact with my braintree server and test in- and output behaviour.
Also, currently I use a procfile of
web: gunicorn main_app:app
in my requirements.txt, in both cases unsure if this is right.
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
is "a command line tool used for transferring data with URLs." Check out the manual for details and use cases.
For example, let's assume you you have a route defined to return a Braintree client token. You can use curl to make a request to that route.
curl https://your-apps-name.herokuapp.com/client_token
The HTML of the rendered page should include the token if your request was successful.