I have a web service which returns a json response as follows:
"database" ; True
"cpu usage" ; 30%
"connection response" ; 1
"memory" ; 48%
The requirement is to create a vb script which would read through the results, compare it against a set threshold and set a flag accordingly. That is, I need the result to say "green" if the value against "database" is "true", cpu usage is less than 80%, connection response is more than 0 and memory usage is less than 80%.
Could someone please help me with the above request. This is actually to be used with SCOM monitoring.
Your JSON will be more like this. Note that I have changed the variable names to remove spaces - you will need to modify the code accordingly if these guesses were wrong. In JSON variable names and any non-numeric values are in quotes. Typically you would use a JSON parser to handle this but if it really is this simple you can use some simple string handling code to proceed.
"database": "true",
"cpu_usage": 30,
"connection_response": 1,
"memory": 48
Call this function passing it the JSON string that you get from the service. It works on the basis that a JSON string is a string and we can chop it about to get usable values IF it is of simple format. If it becomes a more complex message then you will need to search for a JSON parser for VB, or if the interface can respond in XML you will find it much easier to handle in VB.
This is VB6 code (easier for me to test with) - you will need to remove all of the 'as string', 'as integer' etc from the variable declares for VB Script. I have included a val() function for VBScript sourced from here though not tested with my function. You need val() as the JSON is string formatted and if you try to compare numeric values to strings you will get unexpected results.
' Function to return RED or GREEN depending on values in simple JSON
Function checkStatus(sJSON As String) As String
Dim aVals() As String, aParams() As String, i As Integer, sName As String, sVal As String
Dim bDatabase As Boolean, bCPU As Boolean, bConnection As Boolean, bMemory As Boolean
aVals = Split(sJSON, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(aVals)
aVals(i) = Trim(aVals(i)) ' remove any leading & trailing spaces
aVals(i) = Replace(aVals(i), "{", "") ' remove braces open
aVals(i) = Replace(aVals(i), "}", "") ' remove braces close
aVals(i) = Replace(aVals(i), """", "") ' remove quotes > "database: true"
Debug.Print "vals[" & i & "]=" & aVals(i)
If Len(aVals(i)) > 0 Then ' should catch any dodgy JSON formatting but may need refinement
aParams = Split(aVals(i), ":") ' split the line e.g. "database: true" > "database" and " true"
If UBound(aParams) > 0 Then
sName = LCase(Trim(aParams(0))) ' now we have sName = "database"
sVal = LCase(Trim(aParams(1))) ' and sVal = "true"
Select Case sName
Case "database"
bDatabase = False
If sVal = "true" Then
bDatabase = True
End If
Case "cpu_usage"
bCPU = False
If Val(sVal) > 80 Then
bCPU = True
End If
Case "connection_response"
bConnection = False
If Val(sVal) > 0 Then
bConnection = True
End If
Case "memory"
bMemory = False
If Val(sVal) < 80 Then
bMemory = True
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Next i
checkStatus = "RED" ' default return value to indicate an issue
' compare the flags to decide if all is well.
If bDatabase And bCPU Then 'And bConnection And bMemory Then
checkStatus = "GREEN"
End If
End Function
Function Val( myString )
' Val Function for VBScript (aka ParseInt Function in VBScript).
' By Denis St-Pierre.
' Natively VBScript has no function to extract numbers from a string.
' Based shamelessly on MS' Helpfile example on RegExp object.
' CAVEAT: Returns only the *last* match found
' (or, with objRE.Global = False, only the *first* match)
Dim colMatches, objMatch, objRE, strPattern
' Default if no numbers are found
Val = 0
strPattern = "[-+0-9]+" ' Numbers positive and negative; use
' "ˆ[-+0-9]+" to emulate Rexx' Value()
' function, which returns 0 unless the
' string starts with a number or sign.
Set objRE = New RegExp ' Create regular expression object.
objRE.Pattern = strPattern ' Set pattern.
objRE.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case insensitivity.
objRE.Global = True ' Set global applicability:
' True => return last match only,
' False => return first match only.
Set colMatches = objRE.Execute( myString ) ' Execute search.
For Each objMatch In colMatches ' Iterate Matches collection.
Val = objMatch.Value
Set objRE= Nothing
End Function